A Darwen woman wants to bring back an annual gala that was axed in 2019.

Jade Taylor, 32, has announced plans to bring back the Darwen Gala but she needs volunteers to make her dream a reality.

The gala was held every August for 53 years, before coming to an end in 2019. Committee members said this was due to a lack of volunteers who were willing to help organise the event.

The event featured races to Darwen Tower, a fun fair, and stalls run by local businesses, pubs, charities and groups.

Jade says the gala holds many happy memories for her.

Lancashire Telegraph: Jade TaylorJade Taylor (Image: Jade Taylor)

She said: “The Darwen Gala was part of my childhood. It’s something we looked forward to each summer.

“I think it is something that benefited so many people. Small businesses used it as an advertising opportunity.

“I don’t think we have anything like the gala in Darwen anymore. There are other fantastic smaller events but I don’t think they have the same impact as the Darwen Gala.

“There was something for everyone at the event, no matter your age or tastes – so I think it needs bringing back for sure.”

According to Jade, other people in Darwen missed the event. Since posting about her mission on social media, hundreds of people have commented and offered to volunteer.

Lancashire Telegraph: The Darwen Gala was axed in 2019The Darwen Gala was axed in 2019 (Image: NQ)

Jade said: “As the event hasn’t been around it’s been missed.

“Everyone has been so positive about my social media posts. I wasn’t expecting a positive response but we have around 30-40 people [wanting to volunteer] at the moment and I have been contacted by a few companies that previously helped at the gala.

“We need to have a committee in place and show the council that there are enough people involved to reinstate the event.”

Jade, whose experience in event organisation is limited to planning parties for her workplace, says her Darwen connections could help the event flourish.

“I have lived in Darwen my whole life. I know many people here and my family have businesses here,” she said.

“I think I am in a good position to get it up and running because I have connections here. More people use social media now, compared to 2019, [and I can use this to promote the event].”

Jade hopes the Darwen Gala will return in the summer of 2026.

She said: “If we could get it done earlier and do it in 2025, that would be fantastic but we need to be realistic. We have to get a committee together and raise funds.

“Once it is set up the event will be an ongoing, annual thing.

“If anyone can help, even in a small way, please get in touch. You don’t need any previous experience we just need numbers at the minute.”

Councillor David Smith said: ‘’It’s great that Jade is trying to bring back Darwen Gala. The former Committee did an excellent job for a number of years until the event couldn’t take place due to a lack of volunteers.

"Hopefully Jade will be able to form a new committee with a number of new volunteers to bring back this much-loved event. I’m pretty hopeful that Darwen Town Council would wish to sponsor the Gala as it did in previous years."

If you want to volunteer or help with the Darwen Gala email: jade.ashley@live.co.uk.